About Me

I live in North Yorkshire, where there are plenty of nice spots for walking…

And I’m not too far from the coast…

At school, I enjoyed most sports, especially football.
And I was always kitted out in the latest trendy sportswear.

I loved English class, and was often the spelling champ. I was an avid reader, and remember writing some stories when I was at primary school.

Probably complete rubbish, but I enjoyed it!

Then I grew up, got a job, traveled the world a bit, and forgot all about writing. When I left cruise ships in 2011, I took a year off, thinking about what I wanted to do next…

Then I took a writing course, got a chance to write some stories,
and loved it.

The rest, as they say, is history.

My Travels

I worked in land-based casinos for five years, living and working in such diverse places as Luton, Israel, Greece, and Middlesbrough!

In 1996, I started to work on cruise ships, then traveled the world for the next 15 years.

I saw many wonderful places, had some great times, and met some real characters.

And, in total, I spend around 2.5 years of my life in Alaska

I finished working on cruise ships in 2011, and since then I’ve settled in England, making my home in the North East.

Life is good, but I still miss a little bit of scuba diving…

Stay In Touch

For event info and updates, or to get in touch with me follow me on social media or see the Contact page.

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